We can’t reduce what we don’t measure.

The Declare Label, developed by the International Living Future Institute (ILFI), emphasizes transparency and safety in product components, encouraging full disclosure and the elimination of harmful Red List elements.

This label encourages designers and consumers to prioritize health and sustainability in their choices, contributing to a cleaner, safer world for future generations.


Declare promotes transparency by requiring full disclosure of product ingredients. Using products with Declare listing helps design professionals achieve green building standards such as WELL and LEED.

View our brands’ Declare product offerings

Healthier Indoor Environments

By excluding harmful Red List chemicals and prioritizing safer alternatives, Declare-certified products enhance indoor environmental health. This benefit is especially crucial for sensitive populations, including children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory conditions.

Environmental Responsibility

The Declare Label encourages manufacturers to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their environmental impact. Certified products are free from toxic chemicals and feature a lower carbon footprint, thereby promoting environmental conservation and sustainability.

Market Differentiation

Having a DECLARE certification provides a competitive advantage for manufacturers by demonstrating their commitment to sustainability and health. It helps differentiate their products in the market and appeals to environmentally conscious consumers and project teams seeking greener building materials.

About the Red List

The Red List is a compilation of chemicals and materials known to have harmful effects on human health and the environment. Through Declare, products containing these substances are clearly labeled to inform consumers and project teams about potential risks. The Red List typically includes substances such as carcinogens, mutagens, reproductive toxins, persistent bioaccumulative toxins (PBTs), and other substances of high concern.

Red List Declared

Products disclose 100% of ingredients present in the final product but contain one or more Red List chemicals not covered by an approved exception.

Red List Approved

The products disclose at least 99% of the ingredients present in the final product and meet the requirements of the Red List imperative through one or more approved exceptions.

Red List Free

The products disclose 100% of the ingredients present at 100 ppm (0.01%) or more in the final product and contain no red-listed chemicals.