Architectural SSL Product Innovation Award (PIA) 2013: Winner in Market Leadership for Outstanding Website

Lumenpulse website

Lumenpulse, a leading innovator and manufacturer of high-performance, architectural LED-based lighting solutions for commercial, institutional, and urban environments, is pleased to announce that it has garnered an Architectural SSL Product Innovation Award (PIA) for Outstanding Website in the category of Market Leadership. This is the third year in a row that Lumenpulse has been recognized by the PIA, and it is the 9th PIA it has earned.

Judges' comments: "The manufacturer's website was re-launched this past summer with the goal of helping anyone—from seasoned designers and specifiers to casual browsers—find information quickly, while giving them many incentives to explore. The layout is vibrant and visual, which is apt for the architectural lighting field. The products page allows users to scroll down until they see the product they're looking for, or they can use any of the filters on top to help refine their search. The project pages are visually enticing and cross-reference other sections."