Retrofit Magazine Features Cincinnati City Hall

Distinctive energy-saving project featured by renovating publication

Press Project

Retrofit magazine highlighted the Cincinnati City Hall project in its latest issue for July / August.

Please click here to see the article.

Designed by Eco Engineering, a firm of local lighting engineers, the new lighting concept at the City Hall replaced old high-pressure sodium floodlights with sleeker, more sustainable Lumenbeam Xlarge and Grande luminaires.

The switch reduced energy consumption by 84%, cutting over 265,000 pounds in annual carbon dioxide emissions. Subtle and practical, the new LED lighting design has slashed energy consumption; all while giving the building a fresh new look.

"The savings are huge, but more importantly, the building has a whole new lease on life," Minard said. "It's phenomenal to see."

For more information and pictures, see the Cincinnati City Hall Case Study.